The Good Old Resume.
If you need help with your resume, you have come to the right place. We are experts at reviewing resumes and have a solid basis for what makes a resume great.
Here are a few things to consider as "must-have" items:
Your contact information:
Full name
Personal phone number
Personal email address
City of residence (does not need to be an exact address and frankly, we advise against those)
Education experience:
School name
Graduation month and year
Degree(s) received
Major(s) + Minor(s)
GPA (highly advised to include)
Current and previous work experience with accurate dates
Metrics, stats, quantifiable details
Industry-relevant skills, awards, certifications, volunteer experience, projects, promotions
The file name! Here are acceptable options:
FirstName LastName Resume ex) John Smith Resume
LastName FirstName Resume ex) Smith John Resume
FirstInitial_LastName Resume ex) J_Smith Resume
Share your resume as both a ".dox" and ".pdf" whenever possible
Now that we covered what's important to include, let's talk about formatting:
*If you have less than 5 years of experience in you professional career a 1-page resume is best practice.
Easily readable fonts are the best. We recommend Times, Serif fonts, Arial, etc.
Reduce margins to 0.5in it will allow you to fit more important information on the page
Line spacing: